Jeevanam - Dance Drama Presentation

Amy Kumar is a Kuchipudi dancer based out of Hyderabad who has been dancing for over 25 years

She runs Prerana Pratibha – A cultural organization founded in 2005 by Dr. Anuradha & Mr. Rajendra Kumar which promotes Indian classical art forms and provides a platform for young talent to enter into the world of art.

Amy is a scientist by qualification working as a Business Development professional in the city. Amy has performed widely in and around the country and is a Doordarshan graded artiste. She has performed with Padma Bhushan Swapna Sundari and worked with social activist Padmashri Dr. Sunitha Krishnan.

She believes that dance is one of the most effective forms of expression and tries her best to spread socially relevant messages through dance. Her goal is to build a community of like-minded dancers and strengthen the dancing community in the city.

Jeevanam – Be in your element.

This is dance drama presentation in the Kuchipudi style of dance. The 5 elements or the Panchabhutas – Earth, Water, Wind, Fire & Sky and their importance are depicted in this presentation.

The dance begins with a Pancha Bhuta Shloka in which Pruthvi, Jal, Vayu, Agni & Akash are depicted – each element having its own character, together combining to form life.

Pruthvi or Earth is the essence of life. The dancers depict the importance of soil by portraying a short glimpse of the Chipko Movement – wherein a few rural women conceptualized an innovative rebellion to save trees, which further went onto becoming a rallying point for many future environmental movements all over the world.

Music Credits:

  • Kya Maloom – by Indian Ocean
  • Everybody Knows – by Sigrid
  • Save the Soil – by Isha Foundation

Jal or Water is the most vital element and natural resource on Earth for life to exist. All living beings, including humans, are made up of water. The dancers perform a thought-provoking Act which questions – Why are our water bodies sad/upset? Where were you Oh! Human when the rivers needed you to protect them? It’s not too late – awaken and take care of our water bodies!

Music Credits:

Water Anthem by A.R. Rahman.


Vayu or Wind – While we enjoy a cool summer breeze, the gusting wind during a rainy season and even the cold chill that runs up our spine during the winters,  we are also exposed to the violence of nature in the form of storms, cyclones and other calamities. So much destruction, death and loss.

This is because all cycles on Earth (the elements) are interconnected, and the abuse of one affects the other. The dancers depict a short scene of destruction caused by the krodh/anger of Mother Nature’s Vayu element- and the devastation that is further in store if we don’t make strong immediate changes.

Music Credits:

Raag Basant Mukhari by Pravin Godkhindi.

Agni or Fire – This Act depicts the carelessness of humans with the use of fire and fuel, which has  led totragedies like forest fires, and further to bigger problems like Global Warming This is followed by a message to everyone – Always follow your inner conscience, that is your inner fire, and choose peace over  emotion.

Music Credits:

Aigiri Nandini (Instrumental)

Aakash or Sky or Space – In this act, all elements are introduced one after the other, portraying that space incorporates the 4 elements.

The dance presentation ends on a positive note on how we can do our part as part of the Universe to restore balance to the elements, thus enabling us to enjoy the elements within and around us that make us what we are. We conclude with the dance of joy.

Music Credits:

Celebration Music by C.V. Subramanian.

We end the dance drama with a Mangalam. Praying to all the elements of Nature. Earth, water, fire, wind, sky, sun, moon, universe, breath, body, soul, spirit. We are one with Nature. Nature is one with us.

For any queries

Sumana +91 8465088650 | Bhushan +91 8801424070